FEATURE FRIDAY: Encompass Therapeutic Massage & The Importance of Self-Care


This week we are excited to feature our friend, Nikki. We think she is pretty amazing and love her thoughts on the subject of self-care and how she incorporates it into her life as a wife, mom and business owner!

I am Nikki L'Esperance, owner and operator at Encompass Therapeutic Massage. I have been a massage therapist for 5 (!!) years now! I also have been married for almost 5 years to Matt, and he is everything to me. My biggest cheerleader, supporter and amazing dad to our three kids; Ella, Mary & Ethan. 

My favorite part of being a massage therapist is helping other people with their pain. I love it. I learned Trigger Point Therapy in massage school and haven't looked back. This technique allows me to release muscles super effectively. Through releases, headaches go away, low back pain dissolves, that nasty sciatic pain decreases. It's amazing what can be caused just from muscles. Many people think it's something much more serious, try many different things, and then it turns out massage therapy helps! I opened Encompass Therapeutic Massage 2 years ago, and it's been quite the ride, but the last 6 months have been beyond what I ever dreamed at the beginning! I now am hiring employees and making a webinar to teach other massage therapists about Trigger Point Therapy and why it's so effective! 

Being a mom, wife and business owner can be very busy, but I fully believe that you create your life. My life is just as I've created, and what I've allowed, and I love it. I get to work some, be with my kiddos some, and take care of myself in between. Taking care of myself is very important to me, because when I'm out of sorts, it seems the whole family feeds off of that. And that's why todays topic is so important! 


What does self-care mean to me?

It means a lot of things. From brushing my teeth to scheduling chiropractic, acupuncture and massage every month. (Yes, every month). But one thing that you may not think is that for me, part of self-care is my career. Pursuing my dreams, helping people through massage, growing my business, and being in the community are all forms of self-care for me! It fills me up, and every time I go to work, I’m fired up. Working also helps me appreciate the days off I have with my kids, and that makes a big difference for my family. A few other items that make the list include reading, date nights (alone or with my husband), great sleep, vitamins, and exercise!

Does self-care make me selfish?

Ahhh this conversation. The answer is no. Taking care of yourself is as basic as showering, and hygiene. If we want to feel great, it includes exercise and nutrition. That is not selfish, it is ensuring that you are taken care of so that you can take care of others. Going beyond that, I want to ask you a question. How would it feel to get a massage once a month? Luxurious? Pain-relieving? Quiet? Relaxing? Whatever it is for you, now imagine how much more you could give to those around you! When I take care of myself with my monthly appointments, I have less pain, feel great, and am so much happier. I notice a vast difference if I skip those appointments. I am impatient, irritable, and crabby. I get more headaches, I sleep worse. Do my kids notice? You bet they do. So, if taking care of myself means that it has a positive impact on my family, then yes, it’s a priority for me. One more thing: you are not a bad mom if you take a few hours for yourself every month! Especially if you’re a better, happier mom because of it. *Stepping off of my soapbox.*


What could your life look like?

I kind of answered this above, but again, ask it for yourself.

As a massage therapist, I see so many different positive impacts on people.

Here are my favorites:

  • Pain Relief:

  • I have too many people come in for a massage stating they get multiple headaches every week! What?! If this is you, how do you function? At 50%? Do you ‘just get through the day” every day? Do you numb it out? You don’t have to suffer! Massage can help headaches, low back pain, hip pain, and on and on. It may take a couple of sessions, but often people feel better after the first appointment and wonder why they suffered and put it off for so long.

  • Relaxation:

  • One of my favorite things is the deep long sigh I get when people settle into the table. The relaxation, and knowing that no one will be needing anything from you for a full hour is just glorious, especially for you moms out there. You might even fall asleep!

  • Feeling Taken Care of:

  • Taking care of others is my job, plus being a mom and wife adds to it. I love all of those roles in my life, but it is so nice to be taken care of and get my needs met as well.

So what is it for you?! What would a little added self-care feel like? Would it make you a better wife, sister, mom, employee? Would you have more energy for life? Have the brain space to have more fun? We want to know!