Small Town Date Night Ideas (Quarantine Edition!)


Dating your spouse or partner is so important to maintaining a strong and happy marriage, in my opinion! In the past I’ve shared some date ideas for living in a small town which you can find them here — Winter Edition, Summer Edition!

Since we are currently living through a pandemic and things are a bit weird, I wanted to share some ideas to still be intentional about dating each other, even though there are some obstacles in our way! Obviously some of you may not have as many restrictions as we still do here in Michigan! But none the less, I think these are some good date night ideas for at home at any time.

Side note: I know a lot of you have children who are at home with you, which takes away some flexibility. Even if you can only have an hour together, it’s better than nothing! If you need to stick the kiddos in front of a movie or wait until bed time, that is OKAY! Just make sure to still make the time for each other.

IDEAS (Quarantine Edition) :

  • Build a puzzle or play a board game!! If you haven’t already done this, it’s a great way to pass some time. Put some good music going and grab your favorite beverage (Coffee for us)!

  • Have a fancy dinner! You can either make this meal together or get take out from a local restaurant. But either way, go all out! Set the table + create some ambiance with lit candles.

  • Learn to dance together! (TikTok dances are a super fun and easy place to start! haha)

  • Watch a movie or start a new series together. This date is a regular in our house! My tip for this would be to put away your phones and other distractions. Also, actually chat and discuss what you thought about the movie/show after you watch it.

  • DIY Project! This one can be super fun! Pick a project that you’ve been meaning to do in your home OR do something random like painting on canvas!

  • Workout together! This could look like going on a walk / run or doing an at home workout like a circuit or yoga!

  • Have a brunch date! If you have a more flexible schedule, start your money with spending time together and eating your fav brunch dishes + drink all the coffee.

  • Do The Marriage Journal together! Brett and I do this weekly and love it! The prompts are the perfect conversations starter.

What unique date night ideas do you have during this pandemic?? -B