Feature Friday: Self-care and Mindfulness in the New Year by With White Space Co.

A warm hello to you all! My name is Alysa - and I’m the founder of With White Space Co. among other things. I’m also a momma to two littles, a photographer, Lake Superior-lover, avid joy-seeker, and farmhouse-renovator here in the Midwest.

In 2019, I was in a season where I was trying (and failing miserably) to balance and do it all - multiple jobs, motherhood, home life, and all the other things added to my plate each day. Can you relate? I found myself seeking more and craving a sense of intentionality in my life. I was spread thin and felt as though I was serving nobody in my life well - including myself. With White Space Co. was founded after sitting into feelings of  immense overwhelm and knowing so many other women were feeling the same. 


With White Space Co. is an online community backed by physical resources (like the 2021 daily planner) designed to help women create a life with more margin and less overwhelm - by prioritizing daily tasks and carving out the white space needed to thrive. White space is the space you create in your day that is protected from the noise of your to-do list + everyday tasks. The margin that fills your cup, lights you up, and feels like a breath of fresh air. These moments look different for all, but could be an intentional cup of coffee in the morning, mindful journaling, a heart-pumping workout, gentle yoga, a deep conversation with a friend, a hike in the pines, or a spontaneous date night out. Whatever you truly crave! These moments, the ‘cup fillers’, are now of equal importance to that 2:00 board meeting. 

If you’re craving more intentionality and a deeper sense of mindfulness heading into 2021, read on below. You’ll find a guide to welcoming a new year with clarity, creating more space in your days, and increasing your mindfulness + self-care routines.


Transitioning To Into A New Year

In order to enter 2021 with more spaciousness and grounding, it’s important to reflect on and give closure to 2020. This can be done using the following journaling prompts. Grab your journal and a pen, then let your words free-flow! 

Dear 2020 - 

You have taught me  _____.

I will leave behind _______.

Thank you for _______ . 

Use the following prompts to welcome the new year and the fresh beginning ahead.

Dear 2021 -

 I envision more  _________ . 

 I envision less  _________ . 

I will bring this vision to life by _________.


Creating More Space For Your Needs + Living More Intentionally:

Let’s work through 4 ways to create more space for yourself in the new year. Having these in your toolkit will allow you to navigate overwhelm more easily and seek support when needed.

  1. Create boundaries. Identify your core priorities and what is most important to you in the coming season. When given an opportunity or commitment, learn to say no if not in alignment with your core priorities. Become confident in protecting your precious time and resources.

  2. Decrease screen time. It goes without saying that many of us dedicate far too much time to our phones, laptops, and TVs. Reclaim more time and mental space for yourself by consciously unplugging - each morning, evening, weekend. Whatever feels right for you.

  3. Ask for help + outsource. Become comfortable in seeking help when you feel called to. Ask those close to you for a break and welcome the help, trade childcare with a close friend, hire on help within your business,  or outsource tasks that deplete energy if you have the means.

  4. Extend your day. Don’t let that snooze button tempt you and wake up an hour early before the house is stirring. Skip the social scene and utilize your lunch hour 2-3 times a week. Grab your favorite mug, brew a little tea and stay up an hour. Truly creating more time in your schedule. 


4 Ways To Create Mindful Moments Within The Space Created:

Now that space is available to you, it’s time to dream up ways to fill that time. Ways that will leave you feeling grounded and fulfilled at the end of each day.

  1. Reflect inwardly. Take time to tune into yourself and what it is you desire. Practice activities like journaling and meditation to quiet the noise surrounding you and listen more closely to your inner voice. So often this voice is drowned out by the noise of the media, work, our households, and even our own thoughts. Quiet moments of reflection allow you to step away from the noise and find more clarity in your thoughts and desires!

  2. Honor + protect ‘white space’ in your schedule. Each morning, decide what kind of margin you’re craving that day (i.e., physical, spiritual, mental/emotional, social, etc.) and lean into that. Pencil in time (literally pencil it in) for a PM yoga session, morning bible study, 30-minute hike or coffee with a friend. Protect these cup-filling moments as equally as other commitments in your schedule. 

  3. Practice gratitude. Seek out the joy around you - big and small. Practice finding the silver lining within situations that arise. Become grateful for what ‘already is’ in your life, even as you’re journeying towards a bigger goal. Take time to be mindful and increasingly aware of the gratitude you hold! Create a habit of writing (at least) 10 things you’re grateful for at the end of each day. Honoring the abundance in your life allows you to operate from a state of optimism and positivity - leaving you feeling more joy and attracting more joy along the way!

  4. Slow your pace. Sit into the moment you’re experiencing and practice being ‘all in’. Savor your cup of coffee. Put your phone down and truly play with your little one. Eat slowly and enjoy each bite of your pasta. Watch the sunset fade. Truly listen to your partner talk about his or her day. Slow the pace for a bit and open up to grounding yourself into that moment.

Increasing your mindfulness this upcoming year is equal parts creating space + using that space wisely. My hope for you is that you’re able to implement these tips and lifestyle shifts as you navigate the season ahead.. Start with 1 or 2 shifts at a time and see what resonates and feels good for you in this time. More importantly - give yourself grace as you practice becoming more mindful and intentional with the time you are given.


If these tips resonate with you and you envision yourself working to bring them to life in the new year, I invite you to check out the new 2021 White Space Planner here. The White Space Planner is a tangible tool to hold you accountable as you bring your desire for a life with margin closer to reality. It’s daily layout and ‘white space’ block encourages you to intentionally create joy-filled moments each and every day!

For even more support and resources, join us over at @withwhitespaceco on Instagram and on our website at www.withwhitespace.com. Hope to see you there and best wishes to you  into the new year! - Alysa

We just want to thank Alysa for sharing this beautiful blog post with us to share with all of you! We are so grateful for these simple tools and tricks she has shared with us and look forward to implementing them in our lives. We are collaborating on a pretty fun Giveaway with Alysa later today over on Instagram — head over to our profile to check it out: @harborandpine